
Menampilkan postingan dari Januari, 2016

Luxury Brands - Vintage Replica Handbags

When you decide to buy a luxury brand vintage style handbags, you are assured of owning a ‘powerful’ line of authenticity that goes way back to over half a century ago and beyond. The fact that the fashion market is awash with counterfeits of the vintage classic brands hasn’t stopped brand-conscious women from buying luxury brands. Rather, when there is a mass rush for an imitation of a classic brand handbag, the sudden high demand is an indication that a particular luxury brand name is healthy and it's market demand is growing. Prominent among buyers of these high-quality handbags are the ‘baby boomers’ (60+ women) who not only have more disposable funds to spend on unique brand names (they have worked hard for it over the years) but also have a great taste, are quite discerning, and curiously, think because they have less time left in life they deserve to ‘splash out’ and really go for the best in terms of brand and quality. If you are particular about authenticity and love anyth...

Valentine’s Day Intimate Gift Ideas for Her

Before we all know it, it'll be Valentine’s Day. Doesn't it just seem that by the time we resume our normal lives in early January, thanks to a wonderful Christmas; and ring in a brand New Year, we might as well start thinking of St Valentine’s Day gift ideas. So, for you couples and partners out there, your season of love expressions is only a few weeks away and if you are thinking of gift ideas for that special person and plan to ‘warm up’ the evening, or ‘heat up’ the night, these “red haute” lingerie styles are worth considering. Valentine's Day Gifts Ideas You can pick your choice . . . babydolls, corsets, lace bras, and robes; chemises, super soft pyjamas, peignoirs, and more. These kind of intimate gifts for Valentine are sweeter AND more meaningful than a fancy box of chocolates. So whether you just plan for a quiet night at home with your girlfriends, an intimate affair with your partner, or a serene and quiet time just for yourself, these gifts ideas for Valentine...

Vintage Fashion Quiz (with Images)

"A quiz on what you really know about vintage fashion and style" There is something to be said about vintage fashion . . . its uniqueness, quality, durability, and the fact that there is some history behind each era’s style. It may surprise you to know that even today’s fashion houses and designers still refer to archives of clothing designs of the early to late 20th-century fashion trends, styles from which most of their inspirations are drawn. If you are a vintage-style enthusiast, you will already know that most of today’s fashion is really re-incarnated from styles, some of over a century ago. And it wouldn’t surprise you to know that replication of fashion designs of a bygone era are just what many of the women clothing styles we see today are. Save for minor modifications and the use of modern embellishments, trims, buttons, zippers, buckles, clasps, and the like, vintage styles are back again. FASHION QUIZ - How Vintage Fashion Savvy Are You?